Sunday, March 21, 2010

25 Week Baby Update

No we haven't forgotten our 2nd could I forget when I have a basketball sticking out of my belly! I'm feeling HUGE already, but am thankful that I'm continuing to feel pretty good overall. For the most part I'm still sleeping for the most part, and my only major complaint is that I'm having some pain from my round ligaments and shifting bones! All part of the fun I guess. At my appointment last week we started talking about when we will schedule my c-section! YIKES...It just made it seem like reality, this baby is going to be here before we know it! I've been asked several times if I have the nursery ready...nope, I do have newborn diapers and a friend dropped off her bassinet for us to borrow this week, that's about all right now :) I also get asked if we have names...nope, we don't agree, why argue about it now right?

I think this baby is lazier then G was at this stage...sugar does make it move and it likes to exercise before I go to bed at night. Hopefully Cary will be able to feel it moving soon.

We leave for our babymoon next week, I'm so looking forward to spending some lazy time in the sun with Cary and enjoying some peaceful meals! I'm not looking forward to sporting a maternity swimsuit...but willing to sacrifice for the trip!

Any guesses on the gender of Baby K #2?


Kristi, Dan & Liam said...

I really don't have a strong feeling yet!

Heather said...

Kristi stole my words! I'm not getting a strong vibe one way or the soon as I feel "girl" then I think about G and wonder if it'll be another boy.