Sunday, December 26, 2010


We've had snow, snow and more snow...once again Daddy had a big helper, good thing because I think he helped blow out half our block!

Gavin loves to dress up...this would be a combo of his Santa pj's, spiderman mask and SWAT team leg band (that doesn't around his waist so we put it around his tummy!). Sometimes you have to get creative when you are stuck inside in the winter! I was chasing him around the house trying to get pictures
G thinks he needs his OWN computer...he could watch Dora all day long then!

Future swimsuit model? We've taken the kids swimming at the Y a few times and M loves it!

I'm cute and I know it...

finally...some shoes fit my little feet!

Such a Big Girl

Maddie continues to grow like a little weed...we love her chubby little cheeks and thighs!

Not sure where she gets this flexibility soon...but it makes me laugh every time!

That smile just melts me

She doesn't stay still for long...she likes to roll onto her tummy, but then gets frustrated once she gets there.

The easiest way for Daddy to do Maddie's hair is to just cover it up!

Time for cereal...

really...I was waiting for THAT?

I'm pretty sure that beer has to taste better than rice cereal :)

November Fun

November brought lots of holiday preparations to the Krusemark house! The holidays are so much more fun when you have kids...they excitement just seems to multiply.
A new use for our "stockings"

Just like Daddy

We got a LOT of snow in November...Dinosaur Gavin was a big helper shoveling the snow

Adventures in potty training still we'll do pretty much whatever it takes to get him to go!