Sunday, June 28, 2009

18 Months Old!

Life is good at the Krusemark Household! We can't believe our little man is 18 months old. He continues to amaze and make us laugh every day!

We spent most of our free time playing outside! Gavin loves his swing, blow up pool, blowing bubbles, and has recently taken up t-ball.

Gavin also continues to be a good are some of his newest tastings.
BBQ Ribs

Dirt Cake...yum

Gavin is starting to talk more and more...some of his new words are: Bubble (we found that one out after he was making his own in the bathtub), Basketball, Apple, Purple, Cracker, Elmo
He also signs please and more when he wants something, and if he uses please he expects that you will give him what he wants!

We spent Friday morning at the zoo...he thought the giraffes were ok...

and so were the piggies...

but the best part was the water!!! He had a blast running and splashing around.
Here are a few other pictures from the past few weeks...
Gavin continues to earn his keep around the house

The shoe obsession continues...water shoes even go with pjs these days!

On Father's Day Gavin says My Dad is Rad!

2 of the silliest monkeys in town

Monday, June 8, 2009

Zoo, Reunion, & the Sprinkler!

At the zoo looking at the monkeys.
Gavin has been busy with his social calendar the last few weeks. He had a fun 1/2 day at Como Zoo with mom and dad. He hit the zoo after a morning shoot at the park, TRYING to get some pictures of Gavin. Of course he was everywhere but sitting still.

See dad, I can sweep just like you!
Gavin has EXPANDED his cleaning skills from the dustbuster to the 24" broom! Yes, as you can see, he is managing quite well. If it has a handle, he loves to play with it.

What? Is something on my face?
At St. Croix Falls, Gavin enjoyed the day playing with cousins and family as we got together with Great-Grandma Mary's side of the family. Gavin was very happy someone brought Snickerdoodle Salad to share!

Quick....Booger Check!
No surprise, Gavin is a show off or just a plain Ham. Nothing like some Barker french fries to make a boy happy and satisfied. Mommy was beat, and daddy had a rough day at work, so Gavin suggested Barkers....we gave in.

No mom, I won't run into the sprinkler.
With the lack of rain in May, our grass has seen better days. Gavin was happy to help out in the yard and learn how important lawn care is.

Seriously? Did you really think I would NOT run in the sprinkler?

Of all the toys, what does he choose to play with? Boxes!

Grandma B showing me how to use the big boy slide.

It's a boy's favorite thing.....dirt!

On a nice Sunday afternoon, we all headed to Monica and Brent's house. Thomas was inchworming all over and Gavin loved playing in the yard. He managed to find the dirt and made himself a bit of a mustache. It was good to see the cousins and hang out.

Just tuckered out from a busy day.

So tired I can't even put my arm down.

Just checkin' out my new sandals and wearing my new hat.