Tuesday, March 25, 2008

First Easter-12 weeks old

(Kylie, Gavin and Uncle Stacy)
We began the week with Jill preparing to go back to work 2 days this week. Gavin got to spend the day with Daddy on Tuesday and with Grandma B. on Thursday. He was a good boy for Daddy, and spoiled by Grandma B.; we are not surprised. Gavin and Daddy went to Fleet Farm for a trip to the "man's store". He was thrilled to go and get some oil for the car. Thursday he hung out with Grandma B. snuggling and napping, two of his favorites!

(L-R Kylie, Grandma Colleen, Landon, Auntie Mindy, Gavin, Adrianna)

We both had Friday off and so we planned to head to Pipestone for Easter weekend, but we did not know what to expect with the snow up here in the cities. It was not the best Friday morning, but we braved it slowly and as Mr. Weather Man (Cary), predicted, the snow line was down close to Owatonna, about 45 minutes south. The rest of the trip was a breeze. We arrived in Madison, SD to see Stacy, Steph and the kids. Kylie LOVED helping Jill change Gavin's cloths and help him play with his gym. She probably thinks he's WAY better than Barbies!

(Gavin and Grandpa Dave)

Gavin got to go to Pipestone on Saturday and visit Great Grandma Sis and then out to the Krusemark farm to see Grandma Colleen and Grandpa Dave. Stacy and the family brought the turkey fryer over and Mindy, Jerid and the kids came over too; all taking a chance on the "Fry King". Stacy did a nice job on the turkey. It was delicious!! So was Mindy's dessert, but I won't comment on how much I ate.

(Hmmm???.....What did the Easter Bunny leave me?)

Gavin or Mommy????...... really enjoyed his first Easter this year. He got some nice things from the Easter Bunny and his Easter Auntie, Steph. The Easter Mouse, (Papa T.) brought treats too.

(Gavin "loving" his moment in the snow with his "Easter Pooh" from Grandma Colleen)

Sunday we left and traveled back home to the humble abode. It was good to get back home and Gavin was excited to FINALLY get out of the car seat. Of course with Gavin's 1st Easter, Jill wanted to get a picture of him with his "Easter Pooh" in the snowbank. Let's just say she was the only one who thought this was a good idea, notice Gavin's expression.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Week 11 - One Last Week of Fun!!!

(How could you resist someone this cuddly?)

(Trying to prove I can work with Gavin...maybe he could just come to work with me?)

I can't believe the time has come for me to go back to work ;( Actually today was officially the day that I started back, and if you can believe it I survived with no tears (either from me or Gavin)! It helped that Cary was home with him today, they went to Fleet Farm (male bonding???). The nice part is that I am easing back into it, and Cary will be on spring break next week so the boys can hang out next week too. I did make sure to give Gavin LOTS of kisses this morning when I left, and LOTS when I got home tonight!

Last week Gavin and I squeezed in a couple more lunch dates, went shopping at the Mall of America (mom needed non-maternity clothes that fit to go back to work!), and spent time cuddling at home.

(Gavin hanging out with Grandma B)

On Thursday my mom came and the 3 of us ventured down to Grand Avenue and spent time enjoying the sunshine (it was in the 40's), did some shopping at Baby on Grand (a very cute baby boutique), and had lunch at Cafe Latte! We finished our trip off with treats from Wuollet's bakery.

(Gavin and his Auntie Peg...what a fun time they had)

(Who had more fun...Gavin and Peg, or me and Ella?)

On Friday Gavin had his first babysitter! He spent a few hours with his Auntie Peg and cousin Matthew while Ella and I had our 2nd annual girl's outing to celebrate her 6th birthday. Gavin had a lot of fun, and was a good boy. Peg, who has a beautiful voice, sang to him...I'm afraid my singing will never be as exciting to him again ;) Ella and I had our nails done, went to the mall and went out for lunch.

(Celebrating St. Patty's Day in my big boy pants)

(Smiles that can melt your heart!)

Gavin is getting bigger every day, and is becoming so much more interactive! He loves playing under his gym, and laying in his crib watching and kicking at his mobile! We are all very excited that it is getting warmer and we can get start getting outside.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Week Ten- Lots of Ladies for Gavin

(Gavin and the Mommy and me group)

Well it seems another week has flown by and I only have one week left before I go back to work! I am in mourning already, but I'm trying to enjoy my last week with our little man. This week was our last week of Mommy and Me class and Gavin was sad to say goodbye to his friends. We took lots of pictures and by the end he was holding arms with the girls on both sides of him (he must take after his dad!) I really enjoyed taking this class and getting to know some other new moms, it was comforting to know that others were feeling the same way I was in figuring out this parenting thing!

(Annika Maren Plumb)

This week we also got exciting news that Ingrid and Kevin had a baby girl on Wednesday, Annika Maren arrived on Wednesday afternoon weighing in at 8 pounds 10 ounces and is so cute! I can't wait to get down to Arizona and cuddle that little sweetie. Mom and baby are home and everyone is doing well. It seems Gavin is going to have a lot of girlfriends!

(Chillin with my Octopus)

Cary had two nights of conferences this week so we ventured out to visit him at work! Of course all of the ladies loved meeting him and thought he was very cute (who couldn't think so!)

Saturday was Grandma's funeral and we all made it through, Gavin contently snuggled with Dad through it and then was passed around to all of the women! I'm sure he will have changed quite a bit the next time he sees my Aunt and Uncle from Florida, so it was nice that we got to spend time with them.

(Gavin practicing getting the birds on his gym...will he be a hunter?)

Gavin is continuing to smile more, is talking quite a bit, and loves to play under his gym...now we just need to work on getting him to sleep longer at night!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week Nine - Growing Like a Weed

(I can't believe my baby is 2 months old already!!!)

We took Gavin to the doctor this week for his 2 month check up (and first round of shots)...turns out just as we thought he really is getting chubbier! He weighed in at 11 pounds 5 and 1/2 ounces and is 23 inches long! He is in the 50th percentile for height and weight so he is growing just like he should! I am discovering that he must have long legs because I am putting away lots of his 0 - 3 month clothes and his feet already reach the end of some of his 3 - 6 month sleepers. Gavin also had to have 4 different shots while we were at the doctor, I think they were harder on me than they were on him. He did pretty well and only cried a little (maybe having chubby thighs helps).

(We decided to try Gavin in the Bumbo this week...he's not quite strong enough, but it does give us a good laugh to watch him in there! As you can see he will sleep just about anywhere if he is tired enough.)

This week he seems to be smiling more and more at us, and has started "talking" quite a bit more. Of course each of those beautiful smiles just melts our hearts! He also doesn't not like "tummy time" and just rolls over onto his back...the doctor was quite surprised that he was doing this already. He is a strong little guy.

(Gavin and his girlfriend Luciana...and no those aren't knickers, just an outfit he outgrew!!!)

Friday night the 3 of us went out on a date for dinner, and Saturday night we spent the night celebrating Heather's birthday at Dan and Kristi's. Gavin got to see his "girlfriend" Luciana again and she kept trying to pet his head...I bet she won't get away with that for too much longer.

(Gavin loves hanging out on the couch and watching tv with Daddy)

On Saturday we got the news that my Grandma Lucille passed away, while we have been expecting this for awhile it is still very sad. I was lucky to be able to spend a lot of time with my Grandma while I was growing up and I have a lot of very fond memories with her. I am happy that she was able to meet Gavin before she died and that we all spent a very fun day together! The upside to the situation is that Gavin has been able to meet some of my family that is in town from Florida. I hope that Gavin will get to spend as much time with his grandparents as I have been able to spend with mine!