Saturday, January 2, 2010

Gavin's Going to be a Big Brother!

We are very excited to announce that Gavin is going to be a big brother in July 2010! Of course we are very happy...but also a little bit nervous! Gavin has been a pretty easy baby and little boy...and we are hoping we aren't testing fate with #2! Oh well, no turning back now!

Here are a few answers to some of the common questions that we get!

1. Are we going to find out if it's a boy or a girl? No...we loved being surprised with Gavin, and unless the ultrasound tech slips, we will remain surprised with this one too!

2. Are we hoping for one or the other? Obviously we will be totally happy either way! I have been feeling different than with Gavin so I think it is a girl, but Cary is hoping for a boy because he thinks if it is a girl he might have to get a part time job at Baby Gap just to pay for the clothes! In all honestly we do love having a little boy and have tubs and tubs full of little boy clothes so we will be happy with whatever this little person will be!

3. How am I feeling? Overall I'm feeling pretty good now, I had quite a bit of nausea at the beginning, but never threw up! I have already started to pop out, which was much faster than with Gavin...and I'm predicting that I'll look like a giant beach ball by the time summer comes around! It was also a lot different dealing with the exhaustion this time, when I was pregnant with Gavin I could come home and sleep after work...these days that doesn't happen! I do catch naps when I can, and I'm thankful to be only working 3 days a week now!

4. What is Gavin's reaction? Gavin will say Big Brother when prompted and will point to my bell (or his) when asked where the baby is. Of course beyond that he doesn't really get it. I'm sure it will be pretty clear when the baby comes home...and doesn't leave! I guess we've got 6 months to prepare him!

We brought Gavin to our 12 week appointment when we got to hear the heartbeat, he and I had been to his doctor earlier in the day to get his flu booster so he thought they were hurting me too. Needless to say he didn't like to see Mommy on the table and cried in Daddy's arms most of the time :( He'll be staying home from now on!

1 comment:

Kristi, Dan & Liam said...

Yay yay for another Baby K!