Gavin has gone through another month with September nearing the end. Come tomorrow (9/28/09) Gavin will have turned 21 months old! Wow, we have a big boy on our hands that LOVES to climb.

I'm sure you've heard from other conversations and blog posts, but the word monkey doesn't do it justice at all. Last Friday daddy came home and mommy was at the door handing off "his" son. He was constantly crawling on the bar stools attempting to get on top of the island or anything else that was out of reach.

Daddy and Gavin went together for haircuts. Gavin sat very well on his lap and looked at the I-Touch with pictures as the stylist cut his hair. Then he sat on daddy's lap eating fruit snacks as it was daddy's turn next. He did great. He must have got out all the naughties with mom. He he he!

Mom and Gavin took a quick trip to Cameron, WI to see Michelle, Carli and Parker. They played and had fun. Gavin experienced his first time on a trampoline. He wasn't too fond of it. Lot's of spills.

Gavin is in his 2nd week of swimming lessons. He goes once a week and is a splash happy, free jumping little fish! Whether getting dunked or dunking himself due to the "no fear" factor, he comes up smiling each time.

Gavin had fun this weekend at Liam's Baptism party. He really didn't care to play with Liam at first since every visit to Dan and Kristi's involves his reuniting with the "circus truck", which he is in love with. He drops everything and starts pushing it all over their house. We may have trouble once Liam is to that phase. A fight may occur.