Monday, July 13, 2009

Weekend with Grandma

Grandma B came to stay with Gavin while Mom and Dad went on their Annual Cousin's Camping weekend. While we forgot to get any pictures, Gavin certainly didn't end the weekend without a story to tell! Grandma let Gavin run around naked after his bath on Saturday morning while she was looking for lotion for him...long story short she found him after he had pee'd and poo'd on the floor, and was squishing his toes in the poo! GROSS! Glad he pulled that one on her, not me! Overall they had a great weekend together (and so did we)...not sure what we would do without our Grandma B!

Here's what we've been up to the past 2 weeks...

Playing in the pool

Checking out a new park

Sharing a dip cone

We spent the 4th of July at our neighborhood picnic! Gavin fell asleep in Grandma Colleen's arms watching the fireworks...I think he considered it the best seat in the house!

We helped Finley celebrate his 1st Birthday...

...and Finley was nice enough to let Gavin try out his new toys!

We also had to visit the doctor for Gavin's 18 month check up. The doc thought he was healthy at 23 pounds, 6 ounces and 31 inches!

Grandpa came and helped build a tower of blocks

Dad took G and Mommy on a date to Mancini's for steak...

...they thought G was so cute they gave us a free cake!

We have discovered a new love for corn on the cob!
Needless to say summertime keeps us VERY BUSY! We continue to enjoy our days with our special boy.

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