The day after we got back from Cancun it was time to switch Gavin from formula to cow's milk...and to take away his bottle. Our doctor recommended a cold turkey switch so that's what we went with...Saturday morning Gavin wasn't too happy when his bottle of warm formula was replaced with a cold sippy cup of milk. In fact he threw it at me and refused to take a drink, lunchtime followed the same act. By Saturday afternoon we had a crabby, hungry boy on our hands, but that didn't last too long! By Saturday night Gavin had decided he wasn't going to win that battle and gave in. He is a sippy pro now, the only adjustment is getting past the fact that he is starving when he wakes up in the morning.
Sunday we drove to Rice Lake to spend some time with my whole family, Grandma had invited us all to lunch and we enjoyed spending time together.
Grandma and her boys
Gavin loves hanging with his Dad
Gavin is getting more playful every day. He loves to play catch, play with his baseball game, in his ball pit and with his busy ball popper. We have also been taking him swimming at the Y, he loves splashing around and is getting to be quite a brave little fish. He is starting to talk more...his vocab now includes dadadadada, mamama, uh oh, ball and light.
Gavin has been a good eater, although one day he loves something and then the next won't touch it. Daddy treated Gavin to pancakes and syrup...which created a hyper little mad man! He was cruising around the living room and crawling around in circles.
Gavin started a new daycare when we got back, although we really liked Emily and Renee, they were only temporary until our next door neighbor Kerri could take him in. Yes, I said next door neighbor, it doesn't get more convenient than that! Things seem to be going very well, and he comes home happy and often with art projects he has done (including an Elmo made from a toilet paper roll that he had eaten half of).