Monday, November 24, 2008

What a Busy Boy!!!

Gavin loves his Leap Frog Table...and Mommy loves that smile!

It is amazing how much Gavin is changing every week, he is really on the go now crawling everywhere and walking along the coffee table, ottoman or anything else he can grab on to. I knew he was changing when I went into his room one night after I had put him to bed and he was sitting up looking at me through the bars when I walked in to check on him, he looked like a little jail bird!

G is sending Grandma a text, too bad she doesn't know how to text him back

Gavin's belly laugh just might be the best sound ever!
Bundled up for a winter walk

Gavin has a few new favorite of them being his tongue! He also loves to clap and wave!

He is finally starting to figure out that the blocks can fit through the holes. We love watching him actually play with his toys now.

I think we have a monkey on our hands!

G hanging out while mom and dad work in the basement! Saturday we finally had a day with no plans and spent most of the day working around the house and garage! Things seem to take twice as long with our little monkey around, and usually he is making messes right behind us.

Matt and Sarah joined us for a shrimp boil! The food was great, and so was the company :)

Gavin enjoyed corn on the cob from the shrimp boil. He continues to be a good eater and will try just about anything. Some of his favorites are peas, carrots and anything full of CARBS!

Baby Sam Gilbertson! He is such a little sweetie, and I loved holding a newborn! (no I don't have the baby itch yet!)

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