Ready to hit the pool
That's right...we started swimming lessons this week and we just might have the next Michael Phelps on our hands! Gavin LOVED swimming lessons!! Of course Cary and I both went in the pool with him, I ran back to the locker room to get the camera and by the time I got back to the pool Gavin was already in and splashing around. We sang songs, kicked on our backs and tummies, practiced getting in and out of the pool!, and played with sinker toys. He loved everything, except being dunked under. I can't say I blame him.

It's more baby food for Gavin. He flat out refuses anything pureed from a spoon and will swat it away and purse his lips, so feeding times are getting creative at our house! We have discovered Gavin likes cooked peas and carrots, shredded cheese, noodles and chicken. If it comes off our plates it tastes twice as good with this week's favorite being Barker's french fries! (Go figure, who wouldn't like them).
What's Mom trying to feed me?
Hunting for Cheerios in the prunes!
Showing of his "naughty teeth"We are starting to find our way around Hudson...Saturday night we tried out Barkers and Sunday we started our church hunt. We are hoping to join a church and get Gavin baptized.
Someone had too much fun on Saturday night!
Sunday Papa T joined us to watch the Packer - Viking game, and then Rob, Peg and the kids joined us for dinner to celebrate Papa T's birthday. It is always fun to hang out with them, and the kids are crazy about Gavin...well Auntie Peg is too!
Gavin and Will...yes Will was my "baby nephew" not too long ago!
I'm such a big boy
Me a flirt?Gavin is officially crawling now too...on all 4's! He especially likes to go after things he is not supposed to like the fireplace, humidifier or opening drawers. We are starting to bolt things down! He also loves to walk around the coffee table or his Leap Frog Table..I think he will be cruising around before we know it. We are noticing every day that he isn't so much baby anymore as he is a little boy, where has the time gone?
Getting Brave