Tuesday, July 8, 2008

So Many Baby Boys!

(Happy 4th of July)

(Mommy thinks I'm so cute in my Astronaut jammies)

This week brought some new friends for Gavin, but there seems to be lots of baby boys lately...and not many little girls! Meet Gavin's new friends...


  • Luke Andrew Driedric...born June 25th and weighing in at 11 pounds 5 ounces. He looks so sweet and cuddly we can't wait to meet him.

  • Finley Patrick Market Sullivan, this little peanut arrived a month early on July 3rd and only weighed in at 6 pounds. While he was an early bird, he seems to be doing well and was able to go home on Sunday. After waiting 3 long days Cary and I finally got to meet him on Sunday. He is just a doll and I hope we can see him again soon. It makes me realize how much Gavin has changed in the last 6 months, he seems like such a big boy now. Finley does have WAY more hair than Gavin does though.
  • Hayden Anderson - born just this morning and we haven't even seen pictures yet so you will have to stay tuned. The newest Anderson was 11 pounds and was welcomed by his older sisters Emma and Addison.
  • We also found out Kelly and Dustin will be having another baby boy in November!
Gavin had a great week, and was a good little boy. We spent the 4th up in Cold Springs, MN visiting Les and Marcia's (Steph's parents) lake home. Gavin got to snuggle with his Auntie Steph, hang out with cousins Kaden and Kylie and even got a ride in the Clifford swing with Marcia.

(Gavin and his Auntie Steph)

(Kaden, Kylie and Gavin)

(Gavin checking out the Clifford Swing with Marcia)

Saturday morning we drove over to Eau Claire. While Mom and Dad were packing and moving Papa T, Gavin went on a picnic with his cousins and Grandma B. We stayed with Ed and Bonnie and Ed was teaching Gavin all about fishing starting with sunnies and making their way up to Muskies!

(All that running around tires a little guy out so G decided to use Mommy's tummy for a pillow)

Gavin is getting stronger and is learning new things every day. This week he decided he should help use the spoon while eating green beans! Daddy doesn't think Gavin is very helpful! The other thing Gavin is working on is sitting. He is getting pretty good at sitting for a little while, but usually falls over if he tries to reach for something. I'm sure he will be a pro by next week.

(G "helping" Daddy with the spoon)

(Look at me...I can sit all by myself!)

1 comment:

Kristi, Dan & Liam said...

So fun to hang out with you guys! I love the last picture of Gavin...what a great smile!