(Huggin' Daddy)
Gavin got to hang out with daddy on Saturday and Sunday while mom went shopping at various stores for the necessities….which no longer are the same as they were a couple months ago. Things like diapers, gas relief, and other baby related items seem to fill our cart more and more each trip. Boy have things changed! Jill and Gavin also got to go to Mommy and Baby class. They had a good time meeting and visiting other new moms and babies. Gavin like the girl to boy ratio....the odds were in his favor.

Dan and Kristi had us over for the game and we all got a kick out of Sydnee their dog. She wasn’t really all that sure about this little bundle of squeeks and cries. It was a good night to relax and hang out with some friends. Gavin enjoyed his first Super Bowl, commercials and all. Gavin was pulling for the Giant’s this year, also known as the "G" Men. He would have placed some money on the game, but couldn’t find a bookie at such a young age. Gavin seems to be changing more and more each day. He is starting to fill out and those cheeks seem to be getting chubbier and cuter each day.
1 comment:
Jill, he's ADORABLE! Hope things are going well!
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