We had another busy week, Wednesday Gavin and Mommy took a trip to Eau Claire to spend the day with my friend Michelle and her 2 kids Carli (3) and Parker (15 months). Of course I brought the camera and it never left the diaper bag! We then went to visit Nana in the nursing home and had dinner with Grandma B and Dick. Gavin was a great traveler!

(Meeting all these people really wears a little guy out)
Friday Gavin and I went into work to meet my co-workers! He pretty much slept the whole time we were there, and of course everyone thought he was adorable. We also went and had cake to say goodbye to my friend Kristi F. who is moving to PA ;( She has a little guy who is 3 months older than Gavin so he is losing his buddy too. I'm afraid I'm going to be going back to work sooner than I'd like.
Friday night we had dinner with Cary's cousins and got some exciting news! Gavin is going to have another little "cousin" next August. Monica and Brent announced they were expecting and we are very excited!

(Kristi, one of Gavin's favorite snuggle buddies)
On Saturday we went back to Eau Claire for a surprise 30th birthday party for Heather, although she had figured it out before she got there we still had a lot of fun. Gavin was a good little party animal, and got passed all around and then slept the whole way home, we are lucky he is such a great traveler.
(Someone stole Mommy's spot sleeping in front of the fireplace???)
Sunday was spent relaxing and recovering from another busy week!