Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 20 - First Photos!! & We Closed!!

So Jill was gone until late in the week for work and then I get the call that there was a upcoming vote by our association board to implement a levy on our townhomes.....Oh, no....out of the blue and potentially a deal breaker!! So this caused a major glitch and Baby was not happy either!

We managed to get the deal done and closed on Monday, the 20th.....Yeah! A big thanks to Dan for a job well done, and kudo's to Kelly for her great title work as well.....we appreciate it.

Friday we had the ultra sound and saw Baby K. for the first time.....WOW, technology is cool and it is much better in person, the photos unfortunately are not quite as clear as what we saw @ the doctor's office.....And since Baby K. was taking after his/her mother (ha ha) Baby K. did not cooperate as needed and so we get to have an additional ultra sound next month to see a couple views that Baby was unwilling to pose for.

This is a link to a site that you can download my file to see the pics of Baby K....I would recommend "right clicking" and open in a "new window".

Click on "ultra sound pictures.doc"
Relax, it's slow, but a free site :)

All in all, it's been a long week, but now that the house deal is done and baby is growing strong as expected, we can focus the next few months on preparing for Baby K's arrival.

It's hard to believe that we are half way to the finish line.

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