Thursday, October 7, 2010

Back to Work..sniff, sniff

These cheeks are so kissable!

It's amazing how fast 12 weeks can go!!! The time came WAY too fast for me to go back to work :( I know I'm not cut out to be a full-time stay at home mom, but I could have spent another month or two (or three) home with Maddie! Three weeks in and we are kind of in a routine...I will say mornings are busy and the kids are going to different day cares for now so Cary and I each get a kid ready and drop them off in the morning. The good news even though my job share partner left I'm still working just 3 days a week, and get 4 days with my kiddos.

Miss Maddie is getting so strong...she even rolled over twice from her back to her tummy last week!

She's 3 months did that happen?

Thankfully Maddie has continued to sleep through the night! A couple mornings I've even had to wake her up to feed her so I can get to work on time!

They are never too young for a tutu

Gavin continues to be a silly boy and always makes us laugh...

Potty training is still a work in progress...I'm afraid I'm still going to be saying that 6 months from now (sigh)

You know it is going to be a long day when you have the play-doh out by 8:30am!

But we managed to make popcorn and other fun treats with his "movie theater" play doh set

The Love still continues...for now!

Friday we headed to Irvine Park for a play date

The tigers were RIGHT by the boys...they didn't seem to have any fear

We went to Heather's for pizza after the park and Maddie got some snuggles with Grandma B

Cary and I both had birthdays recently, so we celebrated at the Twins game! Grandma B came to stay with the kids...I can't imagine what we would do without her

It was chilly...but a great day, and a great game!

Sunday we went to the apple orchard...or apple church as G calls it!

Gavin and Liam checked out the pumpkins...but they were too expensive!

I got lots of snuggles with Maddie

while G and Daddy snuggled
I love this picture of Liam!

Gavin didn't want to ride on the train...he just wanted to drive the big tractor!