Monday, August 23, 2010

Smiles and a Streaker!

We are getting into the groove of things around here! I'm getting sad that Cary will be starting school again soon which means there won't be anymore "short" work days or Friday's off. I guess we just need to enjoy the time we have!

Madeline is starting to get very smiley, and is finally starting to sleep longer at night :) She had regressed a little bit, and went from getting up once per night to 2 - 3 times per night. She has since been kicked out of our room and moved into her own room. Either we don't hear her as well, or she is sleeping better!

She's so advanced, she's even winking

My 2 hotties chillin in the pool! Surprisingly Gavin actually has swim trunks on in this picture, normally he prefers to be naked when in the backyard!

She didn't do it, it must have been Gavin

Gavin loves to help out in the kitchen...and safely goggles were a must for helping with the green beans

So sweet!

Friday night we hosted a crew get was fun craziness as usual, and I didn't take many pictures, but here were the couple I did get. I wish I would have captured Spencer and Gavin running around naked in the back yard! They had a BLAST in the pool, and the adults got some good laughs at their expense!

Maddie looking cute for her 1st crew gtg
Maddie and Mateo hanging out

Luciana and G reading together

Saturday morning we went to the Hudson Pepperfest was Gavin's 1st parade and he thought it was the BEST thing ever! Candy, fire trucks, foam hands, clowns, horses...what more could a little boy want?

He's SO BIG! I can't get over it!

This was one of his favorites, he was telling our day care lady about the clown in the bathtub this morning

Sunday the kids and I went to Grandma B's house to freeze sweet corn...we ended up freezing 8 dozen ears and we were all exhausted when it was over!

G helped Grandma dump the husks
Maddie hung out in her bouncer

Eating an ice cream bar in the wagon
Gavin was a good helper, for about 5 minutes!

After the busy weekend Maddie and I spent the day at home today
So sleepy
Good night

Sunday, August 8, 2010

6 Weeks with Miss Madeline

Sneak Peek from our photo shoot last weekend!

Wow, it's only taken me 6 weeks to post since Miss Madeline arrived (the previous posts were courtesy of Cary)! It's amazing how in love with this little girl I am! Even though I really didn't care if I had a boy or a girl...I will admit having a little girl is! (yes our house is exploding in pink!) I can't believe she is already 6 weeks old, although it is hard to remember life without her. How blessed we are to have 2 beautiful, healthy children.

The #1 comment we get is...look at all that hair! So far she has yet to lose any of it, I hope it stays that way. No matter what we try...Miss Maddie has crazy hair all of the time :) I've even been asked if I curl it! Um...NO She does like to have it washed already though, and we talk about our trips to the spa together once she is older. The doctor even commented how much hair he could see before he cut me open during my c-section!

She's trying to smile...and I'm convinced they are starting to happen even when they aren't gas related.

No more bathing in a bucket...we've moved into the big tubby, and she's almost too long for that!
I'm trying to soak up every minute of snuggling that I can, I know it doesn't last for long! I've gone from 100% sure baby #2 no matter the gender would be the last to only 90% sure we are done (Cary thinks differently)! I know she won't be a baby for long, and I love those baby snuggles.

The #1 question we get is...are you getting any sleep? Madeline really has been an easy baby for the most part...most nights we only get up once to eat, she eats at 10pm, between 2 and 3 am and then again between 6 and 7! Not too bad for a newborn. We are working through some day/night mix up and gas pains (yes I've given up my most loved cheese and all other dairy products for my princess...but she's so cute how could I not?) Otherwise she really only cries if she is tired, has a poopy diaper or is having gas pains. Thank goodness because I had serious worries about a colicky baby.
One month and she isn't that curled up baby anymore...she is LONG and wants to stretch out! She has already outgrown newborn jammies...and her feet reach the end in the 0-3's, but they are still very wide on her. Tall and skinny...for her sake I hope she stays that way!
Maddie snuggling with one of her favorites!

Dr. Susa...the wonderful doc who brought Maddie into this world! Thanks for taking such great care of both of us.

Gavin - 6 weeks as a Big Brother!

So my 1st baby really isn't a baby at all anymore! We frequently get the is Gavin doing now that Madeline is here. Honestly, he's been pretty good with her, although I think the novelty is starting to wear off! He likes to give Maddie her binkie, sometimes he will pull it out of her mouth first just so he can put it back in! He will tell you, be gentle with Maddie! Gavin has been testing us more than he used to...mostly me, but I can't really blame him, after all he didn't ASK to have a sibling! We are also working on potty training, Cary has mostly taken on this AWFUL duty! Man, what a PITA! I keep telling myself it will be so nice when he is fully potty trained, but some days are a struggle. Actually, most days he does pretty well peeing on the potty, and usually even stays dry during his nap! What can I say, candy DOTS are a great bribe! Pooping...yep, still happens in his pull up :(

Gavin's favorite things these days are firetrucks (and Fireman Sam), puzzles, games, cars and trucks.

Favorite words these days are Gavin do and I do it myself. I am enjoying the fact that Gavin can now follow directions (if he wants to), climb in and out of his car seat, plays by himself for long periods of time, and has a pretty great sense of humor! Overall, I think we really are realizing how much he has really grown up. We love this little man so much, and don't want him to grow up too fast!

Gavin and his buddy Breck in the Barbie Jeep
Safety first...Gavin wouldn't go without his helmet on!

Busy, Busy, Busy

Sneak peek picture from our family photo shoot last weekend...can't wait to see the rest

We've been keeping busy at the Krusemark household...yes, it does take more effort to get this traveling circus out the door, while trying to schedule around nap time (my favorite time of the day) and feeding time...but we are getting the hang of it! In addition to trips to the beach, finding new parks, bonfires with the neighbors, and shopping at the farmer's are a few of our adventures!

My aunt and uncle are spending the summer in Northern MN and Maddie and I were lucky enough to have lunch with them. (I only have 2 aunts and 2 uncles family time is extra special for us).

M and Auntie Anne
M and Uncle Bob

Our neighborhood held a get together for National Night Out...they had face painting, and a visit from the fire truck and police car. It was HOT...but a fun night.

Fireman G

Cary has been able to take Fridays off this summer so we've been enjoying spending time together. This Friday replica ships of the Nina and the Pinta were docked in the Hudson harbor so we went down and toured them.
G and Daddy on the ship

Looking for fish
One of the crew went down below...Gavin was watching him

Maddie is hiding under the blanket in the Bjorn...pretty sure she never knew we were on the ships!

We've also had some fun play dates with Spencer, Thomas, Jack, Siena, Liam, Luciana and is yet to be determined if play dates are for the kids or the moms!
Gavin and Spencer enjoying some "bones"

We've also had lots of visitors and had a fun visit with Jerid, Mindy and Adrianna
Auntie Mindy and Maddie

Adrianna and Maddie...I wanted to keep Adrianna with us!

We do hang out at home sometimes...G styling Maddie's hair

We also ventured out to a Saints game with both kids...
Tailgating with the Pipestone crew

G enjoying a snow cone at the game

G chillin out on the way home watching a movie...he was SO dirty, but happy :)

Sorry for the long post...I'm going to try to update more frequently, but not making any promises :)