Helping make pizzas...
tasting the passed his test, then we cooked it!
tasting the passed his test, then we cooked it!
helping mom make that Gavin helps with isn't served to anyone else...there is still lots of licking of fingers and sticking them back in the bowl!
helping Daddy with the vacuum sealer
Gavin is even getting quite independent helping with the diaper cream...
Gavin is even getting quite independent helping with the diaper cream...
Wrong End G!
there is a similar picture of Cary when he was little with Desitin ALL over his face! Luckily I caught him before he did too much damage!
We found him some new rain boots...can you tell he likes them?
We found him some new rain boots...can you tell he likes them?
boots even go with pjs
Our little cupid received lots of valentines...including some great books!
Our little cupid received lots of valentines...including some great books!
Mom's little Valentine
Cary treated us to steaks on the grill for Valentine's day...Gavin is supervising from the inside (not by his choice)
Walking in Mom's shoes is dangerous...therefore it requires a helmet!
Dan is by far Gavin's favorite...the McNamara's joined us for a BBQ on Saturday night. We figure there are worse people Gavin could idolize :)
We got outside and enjoyed the nice weather this weekend, taking walks and sledding in the back yard! Looks rough doesn't it?
20 Week Baby Update...half way there!
We had our ultrasound on Monday...I can't believe we are half way there already! The doctor thought everything looked good, and the baby was measuring still on track for a due date of July 5th! It is so amazing to see the little person growing inside of me, and I'm so thankful that I'm continuing to feel pretty good. The doctor was able to identify the gender, but we didn't want to know. I'm guessing girl and Cary is guessing boy...we'll see who's right!