G continues to entertain us everyday...his new favorite thing is finding people's "bellybutt" while he lifts up your shirt and pokes your belly button! He is getting very good at naming the parts of his body and is also improving his animal noises (although his pig impression still needs some work)!

Couldn't resist this shirt!
Last weekend we headed down to Pipestone to visit the Krusemarks. Friday night we all got together for pizza, Saturday we visited Great Grandma Sis...and mom and dad even managed to sneak away for date night while Grandma and Grandpa babysat.
Reading with Grandpa Dave
Mom and Dad before our date, we realized the last time we had been out to dinner alone was when we were in Mexico back in March...WAY too long ago!
We made Grandma and Grandpa laugh
We took a tubby in the BIG tub
Overall it was nice weekend getaway! We wish they lived closer so we could visit more often.
Finley came to play and see the fire truck one Thursday....
and Spencer ended up visiting too...the 3 musketeers!
G and Finley
Gavin and his daycare friends by the firetruck
Although the weather in October hasn't been the greatest, we have been trying to take advantage of the time we can spend outside!

A Giant Bullet will keep Daddy warm!
G looks like a Big Boy!

We just finished swimming lessons...G is getting to be quite a little fish.
Sad little sick boy!