Gavin is getting to be such a big helper...he LOVES the
dust buster and has figured out how to turn it on all by himself (the problem is he turns it on and then runs away).

He is also more than happy to share his hammer...and can be found banging on everything like the walls and furniture!

Gavin also loves to help his dad with projects..."Dad I think you are supposed to read the instructions first!"

I'll see if I can fit this on here!
When Gavin's not helping out around the house...he can be found playing and getting into mischief!

They'll never find me in here

Please don't throw me away!

The past couple of weeks have been a little rough for of his molars broke through, and he also had an ear infection! Rough weeks also mean our little man isn't sleeping very well and have let to some sleepy days for mom and dad. We hope he is on the mend now!
We are happy it is finally getting nice out and can be found walking around the neighborhood whenever possible, and playing in the neighborhood parks!

King of the playground

What a silly boy!
We have also been enjoying spending time with the McNamara's...Liam sure is getting big, but isn't ready to keep up with the G-man quite yet!

G and "Ba Ba" as he calls Liam