G is getting to be such a big boy...here are a few shots from the past couple of weeks...

Cary and I spent spring break in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, while Gavin ventured to Chippewa Falls to hang out with Grandma B! Grandma B doesn't use a camera so we don't have pictures to share of his trip...but I have included a few of ours! Overall Cary and I had a great time in Cabo, and had a very boring vacation by most people's standards...but for us it was just what we needed! Laid by the pool and read all day, a quiet - uninterrupted dinner, and early to bed! Oh yeah, and we may have enjoyed a mojito or a cerveza here and there! Overall a great vacation...but by Friday we were ready to get home and see our little G. In fact, there was a minor argument about who would get in the door first to see him! We were both amazed by how much he had changed in just 6 days!