This week has been a very busy week with our days spent packing, moving, and unpacking. And we thought after moving only 14 months ago we had sorted and tossed a lot of stuff we didn't need. Oh, yeah a little monkey has joined our household and he comes with all kinds of accessories!

(Yes I am one cutie pa-tootie!)
Our move went well and Grandma B was kind enough to buzz over Thursday and take Gavin for a couple nights. Mommy and Daddy worked hard moving, since school was on fall break, Daddy was able to take a couple vacation days and haul loads of stuff.
We both were stiff and could not imagine what we would really feel like if we hadn't used a moving company. Nothing too fancy, but they came with 3 guys, a big truck and tons of pads and boxes. Well worth the money, even if one of the guys was seconds away from seeing Jill's evil twin sister since he kept texting on his phone every couple minutes, instead of working. I would have paid to see that!! Poor guy, he wouldn't have known what hit him. :)

(Gavin and Grandma B. in the window seat)
Gavin is loving the wood floors...much easier to army crawl on than carpet. His first couple nights were a bit rough. I'm sure with the new place, new smells, and all the commotion, he was having a hard time adjusting. He has been getting better.
His two new daycare ladies have each had him one day this week. He of course was an angel. He ate and slept great. I'm positive he gets that from his father.
As the title says, "Camera Took a Crapper!". Yes, our camera we bought at our 2nd Christmas together has now decided to not work anymore. Weird thing is, Stacy and Steph's camera, which was the same model pulled the same type of glitch a year or so ago. Oh, well at least they have come down in price significantly. Daddy can go see his new friend at the electronics store where he bought his new plasma TV. Sadly, the Vikings still look horribly....but so did the Badgers! Hehe.
So we only have a couple new pictures to share this week. Enjoy!