Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Little Friends

(Look out red birdie...I'm 4 months and my arms may be lethal weapons)
The week was pretty routine. We are always looking forward to coming home after work to spend time with the munchkin. Amazing, we now have a 4 month old!! He is growing so fast and is finding things that he really likes. It is now a "for sure" that Gavin loves his hands!

(Tummy Time with Mommy!)

They are frequently in his mouth and he is getting more and more active. We think he may be a future "breakdancer". He will be on his back playing under his gym and the next thing you know, he's done a 180, spinning around so that he can watch the TV; the little turkey!

(What?? Haven't you ever seen a cereal goatee?)

The weekend started with a little get together for Gavin and his friends from Mommy and Me class. He had fun catching up and playing. Sunday Gavin made a quick trip to the outlet mall in Medford. Just a few stops so that mommy could find some deals. The big step this week was the introduction of cereal.

(Ok, I'm not sure about this?)

Now it is quite a sight to see several spoonfuls of rice cereal go into the mouth, but I'm pretty sure very little actually hits the bottom of his tummy! We've decided that he still looks quite cute even with a messy face.

(Stylin' in my navy sweat shirt)

So our adventures continue with the intro to cereal, a little bit each night so that we can practice that whole tongue and swallow action. Gavin will surely get it figured out with some more practice.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Week 16 - A Visit to the Doctor

(Me, yep I am the Future Mr. Right)

Week 16 brought a visit to the doctor for Gavin to get his 4 month shots! I think having to watch Gavin get 5 shots in his chubby thighs was more traumatic for me than it was for him. He seems to be growing just like he should and weighed in at 13 pounds 14 ounces and was 25 inches long. I guess that would explain why he is growing out of his clothes lengthwise, he is getting to be a tall little guy.

(Gotta love this smiley guy)

This week Gavin also got to meet his new little buddy Spencer Bullis, he didn't seem to think Spencer was very exciting yet! I know before too long they will be running around together.

(Gavin checking out Spencer)

Our daycare was closed on Friday so the 3 of us hung out! After Gavin's check up we went out for lunch, did some shopping and hung out at home. Gavin has discovered how cute he is because his new favorite thing to do is look at himself in the mirror!

(Gavin "talking" to his toys)

On Monday Grandma B came to spend the day (and spoil) Gavin. They walked down to Target and snuggled for naps.

(Playing with Grandma B sure wears a little guy out)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Week 15 - Gavin is getting to be a Big Boy!

(Gavin has out-grown the baby tub and had his first bath in the big tub this week)

(Gavin in his exersaucer...look at all these toys!)

Looking back at the pictures of the last week really makes me realize that Gavin isn't our fragile little baby anymore. I think this would be the perfect age to freeze him at, he loves to smile and is starting to laugh and "play" with us, but he can't get around yet. The best thing is that for the last week he has been sleeping through the night! Let's hope that continues.

(Gavin - 3 1/2 months and Lucianna - 10 months)

(Dan and Kristi with the kids...we are happy to let them practice with our kids for now, but look forward to a Baby Mac some day!!!)

On Saturday night we had some friends and Gavin's girlfriend Lucianna over for a little grill out (even though it was still freezing cold) and time to catch up. It is fun to watch Lucianna and Gavin together. We can't wait until Baby Sullivan joins the fun too.

(Gavin checking out his frog, Mommy's way to keep him occupied so she can get something done!)

(G and Daddy playing on the computer, I'm afraid Gavin has developed a love for the computer and the TV already...I think he would sit and watch TV all day if we would let him)

We are very excited that the weather is finally starting to nice outside so we can get out of our house and get some fresh air!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Week 14-Daycare!!

(Daddy and Gavin playing "smack the birdies")
Gavin started the week with going to Elaine's house. She is Gavin's daycare provider. He had an ok 1st day, but has quickly adjusted this past week. He has lots of new friends there to watch and learn from. It is good to have him doing so well there and we hope it continues. He does come home to us a little on the tired side, but that just means mommy gets to snuggle him more.

(G in da Hood)

We were excited for the weekend to come this past week. We began by "breaking down" and going to the Buffalo Tap for diner with some of Jill's work friends and their spouses. As usual, Gavin was a perfect little helps when he's exhausted and sleeps most of the time there. HA! Saturday was spent outside in the nice weather and then up to Rob and Peg's.

(Being a little boy just wipes a guy out! And mommy too!)

Grandma B was a brave soul, babysitting all 4 of the grandkids while mommy and daddy went out to diner with Papa T. and Rob and Peg. We realized in the time that Jill and I have dated and been married, we don't recall ever having an adult evening with Rob and Peg. It was a good time and we had a nice meal at Benihana's.

(New Teddy Bear paws PJ's....I'm so excited!)

Sunday was spent inside with the rainy day and part of the day at cousin Will's first communion. Gavin was the object of attention with Auntie Peg's family. They loved meeting Gavin. Sunday night was waiting for for us and the night zoomed by. As we put the munchkin down for the night, daddy didn't think it would be a good night since Gavin had a wild weekend and wasn't on schedule much.

(Showing off my tongue)

To our surprise, we put the little man down around 9:30 and he didn't wake Monday morning until 5:00 a.m.!!!! That is a good night. Except when daddy was told to get out of bed to see if he could get him to sleep another hour. We cuddle in the rocker and zonked out until 6:00. Let's hope this is a new thing that Gavin wants to repeat and improve on....perhaps one more hour??????

(A mullet sighting?????)

Unfortunately Gavin is the victim of active head syndrome. He loves looking around and wiggles and squirms when he is on his back playing and sleeping. The result is the "thinning" of hair EXCEPT for that lower area that doesn't quite touch. He will not appreciate this photo when he's in junior high. He'll have to get over it.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Week 13 - Gavin and Daddy on Spring Break

(Where did the past 3 months go?)

(I'm just guarding Daddy's beer from Uncle Eric!)

Wow, I can't believe we have hit the 3 month mark already! My little boy sure is growing fast. In the past week he has become OBSESSED with his hands, and is turning into a little wiggle worm.

("Hanging" out with Daddy)

Cary was on Spring Break last week, so he and Gavin had a chance to hang out while I had to work. They did guy things like shopping at Menards and Fleet Farm, and watching movies. I was lucky to have 2 days off from work so we had Gavin's pictures taken! Even though Gavin wouldn't crack a smile the whole time the lady was at our house, I am still very excited with how the pictures turned out. We also hit the outlet mall to do a little shopping, it was a little chilly but still nice to get some fresh air! Gavin ended up getting the most clothes on our shopping trip...times have changed I guess. It is going to be hard for me to go to work this summer while my boys are playing at home.

(Gavin's pictures from JM Photography)

(Tyler showing Gavin who's boss)

This weekend we hung out with Eric and Nikki! Their little guy Tyler is 8 weeks older than Gavin, I have a feeling they will be good buddies growing up. It had been awhile since we saw them, and it was great to catch up and grill some burgers. We spent the rest of the weekend at home but did get out walking to enjoy some fresh air. Gavin loves to sleep in the stroller

(Gavin resting his eyes while out strolling)

Monday Gavin started day care, let's just say dropping your baby off at day care for the first time is one of the hardest things to do! I did manage to leave with no tears (I was afraid if I started crying I might not stop). He is doing great, and comes home exhausted! He is even sleeping better at night...we are still waiting for him to go all night, anytime now Gavin! It really helps that we trust our day care lady so much.

In the past couple of weeks some new friends have arrived for Gavin! On March 21st Heidi and Ryan had a little boy, Spencer and my boss had a little girl, Abbie. On March 31st Mike and Carrie brought Rachel into the world. We are so thankful everyone is healthy, and can't wait to meet Gavin's new friends.