Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Where Have the Past 9 Months Gone?

Warning: Blogger formatting is not cooperating tonight so this post is a bit jumbled!

I can't believe my baby is 9 months old! Where has the time gone? As much fun as we are having with Gavin every day, it still makes me sad that he is growing so fast and is no longer the tiny baby who was content snuggling in my arms. He is now wiggling all the time and wants to check everything out around him.

G loves to play in the water...will he be my dish helper?

On Friday we had our first day care scare - I was in St. Paul for an offsite meeting when Elaine our daycare lady called to say Gavin had been screaming for 2 hours...she tried all her tricks and the only way he would stop crying was to be held! I was almost in tears by the time I left my meeting, I made an appointment for him at the doctor thinking maybe he had an ear infection and headed straight to pick him up. By the time I got to pick him up he was cruising around in his walker with a huge smile on his face! What a stinker, I guess he had just decided he wanted mom to leave work early on a beautiful Friday. We did go to the doctor to get his ears checked out, no ear infection...just some wax build up! The doctor thought the crying may be due to the 4 teeth Gavin has coming in.

Saturday Lauryn (3 1/2) and Tyler (almost 11 months) came to spend the day/night with us! Tyler is on the move and feeding himself (what a mess that is)...it gave us a sneak peak of what the next few weeks/ month will have in store for us once Gavin is a bit more mobile! While we did have fun, I can't imagine what it would be like to have twins! I have a feeling Tyler and Gavin are going to be partners in crime in a few years!

G eating a Biter Biscuit

Monday Cary left on a field trip with 70 5th graders to Long Lake Environmental camp. Gavin was helping Daddy pack and was hoping Daddy would take him along! No such luck, G was stuck at home with mom.

G passed out after his bottle (bottle of formula that is)

We have been getting Gavin to start feeding himself a bit more after we feed him his babyfood. So far his favorite is cantaloupe, biter biscuits and wagon wheels...he hasn't quite taken to strawberries and pears yet.

G trying some pineapple

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Another good week...

(Mom's new favorite picture)


(not sure where he gets this flexibility from)

(making sure mom washed my feet good so they don't get stinky)
It seems another week has flown by...how can that be? Gavin's sniffles seem better this week, but still no signs that the teeth have poked through. Gavin continues to work on crawling, although he can't quite coordinate moving his arms and legs together at the same time and is frustrated by that. Mom and Dad are savoring every day that he can't get too far from where we leave him because we know that won't be the case for long!

(So advanced, G is already reading to himself)

(Gavin's least favorite thing...being held down so Daddy can use the booger sucker, can't say I blame him)

Saturday we started packing...we close 3 weeks from tomorrow and those 3 weeks are going to be busy ones!
Saturday night Mom and Dad went out on their second "date" since Gavin was born. While Mom and Dad were enjoying dinner at Ruth's Chris, Gavin was being spoiled by Travis and Amanda. Unfortunately we didn't get any pictures while they were here!

(Birthday snuggles for my daddy)

We are still on the hunt for a new day care provider for Gavin in Hudson, if only we could take Elaine with us...we will really miss her! Overall a good week was had by all!

(Good night)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sniffles and Teeth

I could sleep right here

I love my Sesame Street toy!

Gavin has had a good week over all. After a couple days of not eating much for solids, he's back to being his normal "chow" hound self. He's been doing more and more funny things lately, like biting dad's boob.....TWICE!!!! Yeah, a little wrestling the floor and the little stinker chomped right down. Dad just about hit the ceiling. Of course Gavin thought this was hilarious, laughing only the way a cute baby can.

Life is good...snuggling with mom

In addition, he is getting more "abandonment" anxiety, so every once in a while he will be happy playing on the floor, look and see we are in the other room, and cry.....then back to playing ten seconds later. He is quite the faker too. He will cough or cry and then stop, checking to see if he's gained our attention.

It's G in a box!
Over the weekend we met with Grandma B. and Grandma Mary in Hudson. We had lunch and brought them through the new house. Soon we will be moving....hard to believe.

Reading "Squishy Turtle and Friends"

Sunday we were checking out some furniture and figured we would run to another store and then back. Yep, of course we should have known better. No diapers with, and a little too far from home.....someone had a stinky deposit for us. Oh, well....at least it wasn't a blow-out, whew.

Not sure about this 0-2 start dad?

The last couple days Gavin has had a bit of a cold and just a tiny fever, barely 99.3, so we are pretty sure the next tooth is on the way....he's been a bit cranky, but still, not too bad. He's pretty easy to soothe when he's crabby. We are sure lucky.

Dan, Sydney and Gavin having a "Stare Down"

Monday, September 8, 2008

Relaxing weekend at home...and a New House!

(Thanks to Dan I'm all set for Monday Night Football in my Vikings outfit)

(Hey , where did all my toys go?)

After running around like crazy people for the past few weekends, we were finally able to enjoy a weekend at home! Of course we couldn't stay home all weekend...but we didn't venture too far. We went for walks, bought fresh veggies at the farmer's market, and visited the animals at the zoo! Things have really started to cool down here so on Sunday I started pulling out some of Gavin's fall and winter clothes, it made me realize how big he is getting!

(G and Mommy bundled up for the farmer's market)

(G and Daddy watching the monkeys at the zoo)

Gavin is still not crawling, but he is getting up on all fours now and belly slides backwards. We have not baby-proofed much here and are hoping we can get away without doing too much until we move on October 15th! I guess that is our other big news of the week...we bought a new house! We are very excited to be moving to Hudson, in fact we will only be about 3 blocks from Dan and Kristi (and Baby Mac), and will be close to Heidi, Ryan and Spencer as well. Grandma B is excited that we will be closer to her too. Now we just need to pack and find new daycare for Gavin. Below are a few pictures from our new house!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Our Busy Boy is 8 Months Old!

(Round 1 - Gavin wins)

(Round 2 - Gavin wins)

(Round 3 - Mommy wins!)

I can't believe another week has flown by...and it has been another busy one! Cary spent last week meeting all the teachers, kids and parents at his new school, and Gavin and Mommy spent lots of time hanging out! (I'm so thankful that I'm not REALLY a single mom, it just felt like it last week!) No official word on a house...but we are waiting for a response to our counter-offer on a house in Hudson that we are totally in love with!

Gavin is getting busier and busier every day, but through all the craziness he has remained a pretty happy little guy! I can't believe our little man turned 8 months old last week, where has the time gone? He is starting to get into a clingy phase and isn't so content playing by himself anymore...or at least not once he figures out we are not right next to him! He loves to dump out all of his blocks and play with the bucket and one of his favorite things to chew on is the package of wipes! He also loves to talk now and is quite a story teller!From the amount of drool coming out of his mouth we figure there must be more teeth coming soon!

(G playing with one of his favorite toys)

Friday night we went to stay with the Aizpurua's...Luciana is 6 months older than Gavin and is running around non-stop! It is amazing how much these little people change in just a few months. It was fun to watch them play together and watch each other.

(G and Luciana playing)

Saturday we went up to Solon Springs, WI where we had a burial and picnic for my Grandma Ceal who passed away in March. My Uncle Bob and Aunt Ann and cousins Laurie and Kevin traveled up from Florida for the occasion so it was very fun to see them and introduce them to G! We enjoyed a beautiful day in the sun spending time with family. Gavin loved splashing around in the water, and then got to sun his naked buns afterwards!

(Gavin and Mommy splashing in the lake)

(G and Uncle Rob)

(Gavin playing in the shade with Daddy)

Sunday we went looking at houses (thanks Dan for all of your patience with us!) and then ended up at the McNamara's for a bbq. It was fun to see the 4 babies interact. Luciana was the kissing bandit (I'm sure she will love to be reminded of this when she is 13), and Spencer cried when Gavin tried to talk to him! So far the count is 3 boys and 1 girl...what side is BabyMac going to be on? I'm guessing girl! It is funny though how just a few years ago we would all be meeting at the bar around 8:30, now we are all packing up to head home around 8:30!

(Gavin getting kisses from Luciana)

(Gavin watching Spencer read his book)

Last night we went for dinner at Rob and Peg's to enjoy one last dinner with Kevin and Laurie before they head back to Florida! I'm sure when we see them again Gavin will be running around.

(Gavin enjoying time with Kevin and Laurie)